(04 Sep 2024) OSLO (Halqabsi News) – The Auditor General of the Federal Government of Somalia, Ahmed Isse Gutale, and his delegation held meetings in Oslo, Norway, with the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the International Development Initiative (IDI). The discussions focused on sharing insights and enhancing partnerships with key stakeholders, including Norway’s Office of the Auditor General (OAG) and the Norwegian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs. Gutale also engaged with other organisations working on transparency and development in Norway.
The Somali Auditor General met with INTOSAI, Norway’s Standing Committee, and OAG officials, where they exchanged views on strengthening partnerships and fostering cooperation. The discussions highlighted the importance of sharing experiences and skills, particularly in areas related to accountability and governance.
INTOSAI Development Initiative also noted its engagement with the Somali and South Sudanese delegations and emphasised the importance of collaboration with institutions such as Norway’s OAG, Parliament, NORAD, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).
Halqabsi News